Generate Isolines in Your Mapping Application.

ThinkGeo generate iso lines

Looking for another great way to help visualize your data? Isolines also knows as contour lines are a great way to visualize breaks between different groups of data such as elevation, soil properties, forest densities, well depths, or just about anything else you can imagine. Even with a limited dataset you can use interpolation to build rich isolines to help visualize your data.

You can use several different types of interpolations models including the 5 Kriging methods (Circular, Exponential, Gaussian, Linear, and Spherical) or Inverted Distance Weighting in Map Suite. This sample gives you a running start to start generating contour lines using the kriging models.

Isolines functionality is built into the core level of Map Suite which allows you to use it across the various platforms such as Winforms, WPF, Web, MVC, etc. Isoline samples are available from here. Better yet, use your own data to take your application to a whole new level. For additional help this video shows the various steps in creating isolines, including the gathering of point data, creating a grid using interpolation, picking your isoline break levels and also quickly dives into some more advanced options such as generating isolines on the fly.


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