ThinkGeo’s Color Generator & How We Built It


Using ThinkGeo Cloud’s Color Generator anyone can begin creating a visual map that highlights the data you want to use! Color is arguably the most important aspect of map creation and we’ve created a fun and easy to use generator to give you the head start you need. ThinkGeo’s Color Generator is included in our 60-day Free Evaluation of ThinkGeo Cloud.

Each color harmony scheme brings with it a different visual agenda. From plotting out population densities in European countries to honing in on median incomes and languages spoken in a particular part of the world; color schemes go a long way in literally painting the picture you would like your data to convey. We’ve put together some map ideas that stress the importance of color scheme when trying to discern information. We want users of ThinkGeo Cloud to feel as if our tools empower them to inform and educate their audience and the proper color scheme can go a long way in encouraging that.

Below, we have a map of the General Good Health in Europe displayed by percentage. In 2017 Europeans were asked if they believe they are in general good health. The numbers below indicate which % of the population said they were in good to very good health. For this particular type of dataset we chose the Triadic color scheme. A simple question, translated to a very effective and informative map using ThinkGeo’s Color Generator.


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